foundations of project management weekly challenge 2 answers
1. Suppose that as a project manager, you provide detailed plans and frequent project updates to both the team and stakeholders. What project management value does this represent?
- Optimism
- Delegation
- Effective communication
- Prioritization
2. As a project manager, you create plans, timelines, schedules, and other forms of documentation to track project completion. Which project management responsibility does this represent?
- Managing the budget
- Removing unforeseen barriers
- Managing tasks
- Planning and organizing
3. As a project manager on a product team, your stakeholders ask you to help the marketing team come up with a strategy to attract customers. What project management responsibility does this represent?
- Collaborate with other teams at the organization.
- Help teammates adopt the right workflows and project management styles.
- Hold all team members accountable for their assigned tasks.
- Ensure that issues and risks are tracked and visible.
4. What can a project manager do to recognize individuals’ efforts on a team?
- Ensure team members have the correct skill sets for each project function.
- Set up effective tools so the team can easily work together.
- Learn what makes team members feel supported and provide positive feedback.
- Define key items and encourage team members to ask questions.
5. You’re a project manager on a team that is improving a product. How can you make sure the project stays on schedule?
- Track daily product improvement tasks of team members in a spreadsheet.
- Have a meeting with stakeholders to make them aware of product concerns.
- Limit communication with stakeholders to avoid input until product launch.
- Provide data and feedback about how customers interact with the product.
6. A project manager forgets to assess how national holidays and team member vacations will affect the project’s completion date. Now, because of team member time off, the project delivery will be two weeks late. What flexible planning strategy could the project manager have used to avoid the delay?
- Enable decision-making
- Escalate to stakeholders
- Assessing external constraints
- Use collaboration tools
7. Suppose that unless a teammate receives additional resources, they are going to complete an activity past a deadline. You know that the stakeholders are reluctant to provide additional resources. Which interpersonal skill can you use to strike a middle ground between both the teammate’s and stakeholders’ needs?
- Positive attitude
- Conflict mediation
- Understanding motivations
- Negotiation
8. As a project manager impacting an organization, you want to effectively manage the project. Which of the following would a project manager do to effectively manage the project? Select all that apply.
- Frequently communicate the larger project goal to the team.
- Check in with the team as little as possible to increase productivity.
- Change the project end goal to meet the needs of project tasks.
- Understand the impact of each process within the project.
9. Fill in the blank: In project management, a _____ is a person or an organization that defines the project requirements. They also may set important guidelines, such as the budget and deadlines.
- vendor
- customers
- competitor
- teammate
10. Which of the following are examples of how a project manager empowers their team? Select all that apply.
- Asks team members to get approval before communicating directly with stakeholders
- Delegates project responsibilities
- Uses team members’ input in project planning and execution
- Allows team members to make some decisions for the project
Shuffle Q/A 1
11. As a project manager you are transparent, which means being up front with plans and ideas and making information readily available. What project management value does this represent?
- Effective communication
- Optimism
- Delegation
- Prioritization
12. As a project manager, you choose the best project management methodology for your team and ensure they adhere to it throughout the project. What project management responsibility does this represent?
- Hold all team members accountable for their assigned tasks.
- Ensure that issues and risks are tracked and visible.
- Help teammates adopt the right workflows and project management styles.
- Collaborate with other teams at the organization.