Week 3 – Ads and campaigns in e-commerce

make the sale build launch and manage e-commerce stores weekly challenge 3

1. Consider the following scenario:

An established business in the community is considering a move to online advertising. They typically market their products in various print publications, but have recently observed a decline in sales and overall customer traffic. However, they are not sure if they should try online advertising.

What benefits of online advertising could convince this business to advertise online?

  • It is time sensitive and has a strong return on investment.
  • It leads to less competition and higher price points.
  • It is cost effective and quick and easy to produce.
  • It leads to digital engagement and greater creative capabilities.

2.Consider the following scenario:

A company wants to market their new campaign with a television ad. In order to produce this type of advertisement, they will need to hire actors, writers, and a production crew. After reviewing the extensive production process, the company realizes that they do not have the time or financial resources to do a television ad.

What kind of advertising could they afford that would be quicker and easier and able to reach a large audience?

  • Online advertising
  • Radio advertising
  • Billboard advertising
  • Print advertising

3. What are the different campaign types that Google Ads offers? Select four.

  • Shopping
  • Display
  • Social
  • Search
  • Video

4. Fill in the blank: Like display campaigns, _____ help a company’s potential customers meet their e-commerce products at the start of the buying journey and help spread awareness about a company’s brand.

  • Video campaigns
  • Search campaigns
  • Media campaigns
  • Shopping campaigns

5. What are the advantages of using a Smart campaign? Select three.

  • Controls the budget
  • Automated
  • Saves money
  • Easy setup

6. Fill in the blank: For e-commerce, Smart shopping campaigns are the best Smart campaigns to help maximize _____.

  • search capabilities
  • brand interest
  • shopping potential
  • product development

7. Consider the following scenario:

A digital marketer is creating a Smart Shopping campaign in Google Ads. Their next step is to specify the products they want to advertise in the campaign. They decide that because there are so many products available, their entire feed should appear in their ads.

Why is it problematic to take this approach?

  • It may limit or eliminate keyword product search results.
  • It would result in too many unwanted clicks.
  • It could reduce their specificity and worsen their performance.
  • It might attract customers outside of their target market.


8. When is the best time for businesses to target new contacts and attract new audiences?

  • Summer months
  • On-season
  • Off-season
  • Work week

9. Fill in the blank: E-commerce specialists need to prepare for seasonal events. In order to do this, they need to use _____, which will make seasonality adjustments to optimize for conversions or conversion value in every auction.

  • seasonal ranking
  • smart bidding
  • trend tracking
  • performance planning

10. Fill in the blank: Resolving _____ improves the buyers experience with your brand and could help bring customers back to your site.

  • budget limitations
  • inventory excess
  • industry slumps
  • pain points

11. Fill in the blank: To improve _____, advertisers have shifted their advertising budgets to focus largely online.

  • customer knowledge
  • marketing pain points
  • inventory
  • cost-efficiency

12. As an e-commerce marketer, you will likely encounter different ad campaigns that suit your business needs and help you reach your audience. What are the four common types of e-commerce ad campaigns?

  • Shopping, Search, Billboards, and Video
  • Search, Display, Video, and Maps
  • Shopping, Search, Display, and Video
  • Search, Display, Video, and Apps

13. Fill in the blank: Commonly used in e-commerce, _____ have a limited time to make an impression on potential customers and are placed before, during, or after ads.

  • Search campaigns
  • Media campaigns
  • Shopping campaigns
  • Video campaigns

14. What type of campaign provides a simpler business marketing experience by combining Search and Display campaigns and allows Google to control most of the campaign’s management?

  • Automated campaigns
  • Diverse campaigns
  • Smart campaigns
  • Media-generated campaigns

15. As an e-commerce specialist, you create an automated campaign that allows you to optimize for more sales and reach shoppers across Google's sites and networks. What campaign does this refer to?

  • Automated campaign
  • Diverse campaign
  • Smart Shopping campaign
  • Product campaign

16. As an e-commerce marketer, you choose a campaign name and then set the goals for a Smart Shopping campaign. What should you select as the goal?

  • “Inventory” then “Discovery”
  • “Views” then “Display”
  • “Leads” then “Video”
  • “Sales” then “Shopping”

17. As an e-commerce marketer, you create a marketing strategy for when customers are much more likely to buy products due to related weather variables or special events. What season does this refer to?

  • On-season
  • Warmer months
  • Off-season
  • Holidays

18. An e-commerce specialist uses Google Ads Performance Planner to prepare for the on-season. What does this tool allow them to do?

  • Identify when a user search is likely to generate a conversion with high-value
  • Determine the perfect bid and budget settings for campaigns that run year-round
  • Manually and automatically adjust bids to receive the highest number of store visits
  • Reuse the same marketing strategy during on- and off-season periods of the year

19. A business considers online advertising compared to traditional advertising. Its goal is to target a larger audience to help increase sales. What key benefit of online advertising applies to this specific goal?

  • Online advertising is time sensitive and has a strong return on investment.
  • Online advertising allows businesses to create global campaigns without a high cost.
  • Online advertising helps businesses track analytics where their ads are viewed.
  • Online advertising requires less work and is quick and easy to produce.

20. Fill in the blank: _____ have become the primary way for companies to get their brands recognized and products discovered.

  • Online forums
  • Billboard campaigns
  • Ecommerce stores
  • Online ads

21. Fill in the blank: _____ offer a variety of campaign types to help digital marketers craft specific messaging in their online ads to attract and engage potential customers.

  • Web browsers
  • Google Ads
  • Social media platforms
  • Digital strategists

22. A marketer aims to connect with new customers by placing image ads across several websites. What is a benefit of using the Google Display Network to achieve their goal?

  • It places video advertisements before, during, or after YouTube videos.
  • It promotes online inventory and boosts traffic to a website store.
  • It reaches over 90 percent of Internet users worldwide.
  • It creates product listings that appear on search results.

23. When creating a Smart campaign, you give Google control of the campaign’s direction and how the budget is spent. What is a benefit of this?

  • Spend less time checking on the campaign while it operates
  • Show inventory to customers at the right time across different networks
  • Gain access to unlimited campaign goals and keywords
  • Pay when someone clicks on an ad but doesn’t make a purchase

24. An e-commerce marketer creates an ad campaign that uses real-time signals like user queries, time of day, and devices to show products to customers. What is a benefit of choosing a Smart Shopping campaign to reach customers at the right time?

  • It uses the time shoppers spend viewing a product to encourage shoppers to complete a purchase
  • It uses technology to choose the best budget strategies and targets shoppers at the same time
  • It uses technology to optimize for sales and reaches shoppers across Google’s sites and networks
  • It controls the keyword search and conversion metrics that drive shopper traffic to a website

25. What campaign goal should a digital marketer select when creating a Smart Shopping campaign in Google Ads?

  • Views
  • Sales
  • Inventory
  • Leads

26. Fill in the blank: During _____, businesses can expect to receive the most financial gain.

  • the holidays
  • the on-season
  • the off-season
  • the warmer months

27. As an e-commerce specialist, you often recognize common trends in the industry. You use an adjustment tool in Google Ads that informs the smart bid tool when to change its bidding behavior. What is this an example of?

  • Conversion value
  • Budget changes
  • Profitability
  • Seasonality

28. What e-commerce benefit is cost effective, quick and easy to produce, and has global reach?

  • Social media campaigns
  • Print marketing
  • Smart bidding
  • Online advertising

29. A business aims to market its new product to an international audience. They require a method that generates ads easily, as their budget does not allow for additional expenses or detailed planning. How does online advertising enable them to do this?

  • By targeting specific countries using digital marketing technologies
  • By using automated structures that streamline the advertising process
  • By hiring actors and a production crew and writing the script
  • By allowing them to track analytics to learn where their ads were viewed

30. An e-commerce marketer creates an ad campaign that is not limited to the Google Search platform but can appear on any platform part of the Google Display Network. Which ad campaign did they create?

  • A video campaign
  • A display campaign
  • A search campaign
  • A social campaign

31. A marketer aims to reach new and returning customers online and considers different ad campaigns. Why should they consider a video ad campaign to reach their goal?

  • It reaches customers by placing an image advertisement across various websites.
  • It reaches billions of users worldwide before, during, or after YouTube clips.
  • It reaches customers who know what they want and are ready to make a purchase.
  • It reaches customers by listing products on search results along with a photo and price.

32. Fill in the blank: Those in the e-commerce industry use _____ to determine when a business will receive a potential increase or slowdown in revenue sales.

  • seasonality
  • Google Ads
  • Search campaigns
  • Smart Bidding

33. Fill in the blank: The_____is a tool that allows a company to forecast the impact of different spending scenarios and events during upcoming seasons.

  • Performance Planner
  • Predictive Measurer
  • Smart Bidder
  • Seasonal Adjuster

34. How can e-commerce specialists optimize their e-commerce strategy? Select all that apply.

  • Conduct more research on the industry’s booms and slumps
  • Provide a digital checkout process
  • Reconsider pricing
  • Simplify the buying process

35. Fill in the blank: Working in the field of e-commerce, digital marketers are likely to encounter four types of _____ campaigns that fit their business needs.

  • influencer-generated
  • traditional media
  • automated
  • Google Ads

36. Fill in the blank: A _____ is an automated campaign management tool within Google Ads that helps a digital marketer promote their business.

  • Smart campaign
  • Bidding campaign
  • Search campaign
  • Virtual campaign

37. What are the benefits of a Smart Shopping campaign? Select all that apply.

  • Optimize existing ad products
  • Create extensive goals for sales
  • Limit overall budget control
  • Leverage automatic bidding

38. Fill in the blank: When a digital marketer creates a Smart Shopping campaign in Google Ads, by default, it sets bids that maximize the _____ within their provided average daily budget.

  • lead generation
  • value of conversions
  • views per customer
  • customer experience

39. As an e-commerce specialist, you use seasonality adjustments to inform Smart Bidding and prepare for seasonal events. What does this tool allow you to do?

  • Set a time and date for when you expect a short spike in the conversion rate
  • Manually adjust your bids automatically to give you the highest number of store visits
  • Determine when a user search is likely to generate a conversion with high-value
  • Select the perfect bid and budget settings for campaigns that run year-round

40. Fill in the blank: When optimizing your e-commerce strategy, consider adjusting certain product prices so that they match or are _____.

  • lower than seasonal prices
  • lower than your competitors
  • higher than your competitors
  • higher than seasonal prices

41. Before online advertising, what type of audience was nearly impossible for small to medium-sized companies to reach?

  • A younger audience
  • The audience of elite shoppers
  • A global audience
  • The competition’s audience

42. A marketer uses various campaign types to create specific messaging for their online ads and attract and engage their target audience. What did they use?

  • Web browsers
  • Digital strategists
  • Google Ads
  • Social media platforms

43. As an e-commerce marketer, you aim to sell a product by listing it on search results along with a photo of the product and its price. Which ad campaign should you create?

  • A YouTube ad campaign
  • A search ad campaign
  • A video ad campaign
  • A shopping ad campaign

44. As an e-commerce specialist, you create an automated campaign that only requires a few steps to complete and saves you time and money. What campaign does this refer to?

  • An Automated campaign
  • A Diverse campaign
  • A Smart campaign
  • A Shopping campaign

45. As an e-commerce marketer, you create a campaign that maximizes shopping potential by combining your single existing product feed and assets into ads across a variety of networks. What campaign is this?

  • Diverse campaign
  • Automated campaign
  • Smart Shopping campaign
  • Product campaign

46. Fill in the blank: In order to determine when a company might experience a spike or slow down in e-commerce traffic, they can use _____, a tool that lets them explore global Google searches.

  • Google Ads
  • Google News
  • Google Search
  • Google Trends

47. What default does a Smart Shopping campaign set when choosing an average daily budget?

  • Bids that maximize the views per customer within the provided average daily budget
  • Bids that maximize the value of the conversions within the provided average daily budget
  • Bids that maximize the customer experience within the provided average daily budget
  • Bids that maximize the lead generation within the provided average daily budget

48. As an e-commerce marketer, you use the off-season to create additional campaigns. The goal is to obtain customer information and use this information to follow up with new promotions during the on-season. Why does this strategy work?

  • Off-season is the period when customers are much more likely to buy products
  • Off-season is a valuable time to build awareness and target new contacts and audiences
  • Off-season is the best time for customer engagement on all social media platforms
  • Off-season is when businesses can expect to receive the most financial gain

49. When optimizing your e-commerce strategy, you should simplify the buying process by eliminating customer pain points. What can you do to help with this process?

  • Analyze simple research, like customer surveys or focus groups
  • Create promotional events that correspond with peak days to help drive sales
  • Explore what customers around the world are searching for on Google
  • Adjust product prices so that they match or are lower than the competitors

50. A business considers online advertising compared to traditional advertising. Their goal is to track where people viewed their ads, how many people clicked them, and how many clicks led to a purchase. What key benefit of online advertising applies to this specific goal?

  • Online advertising is time sensitive and more cost-effective than traditional advertising.
  • Online advertising helps advertisers gather data and determine where to spend advertising dollars.
  • Online advertising allows businesses to market to internet users in different countries.
  • Online advertising is quick and easy to produce compared to traditional advertising.

51. When creating a Smart Shopping campaign, why should you select the products you would like to advertise in the campaign?

  • To increase the campaign’s specificity and improve its performance
  • To reduce the campaign’s specificity and improve the campaign’s performance
  • To improve the campaign’s lead generation and views per customer
  • To maximize the value of conversions within the provided average daily budget

52. E-commerce marketers consider the regular fluctuation of e-commerce traffic around special holidays, events, and weather on a quarterly or yearly basis. What does this concept enable them to do?

  • Apply the same marketing strategy during on- and off-season periods of the year
  • Use the on-season to build brand awareness and target new contacts and audiences
  • Plan for customers to consistently make more purchases during the off-season
  • Determine when a business will receive a potential increase or slowdown in revenue sales

53. E-commerce specialists often use the Google Trends forum. What does this tool enable them to do?

  • Increase a product’s price to make it competitive with other retailers
  • Automatically target customers with limited-time deals, discounts, or free shipping
  • Identify where a customer decided to leave the shopping experience
  • Explore what customers around the world are searching for on Google

54. A business owner searches for a cost-effective advertising solution that will allow them to reach a global audience. Their goal is to reach customers quickly by using an easy-to-produce method. What form of marketing should they consider?

  • Print marketing
  • Smart bidding
  • Online advertising
  • Traditional campaigns

55. Fill in the blank: _____ are an essential part of the online buying and selling process because they promote online inventory and boost traffic to a retailer’s website store.

  • Search campaigns
  • Video campaigns
  • Shopping campaigns
  • Display campaigns

56. As an entry-level e-commerce marketer, you require an automated and straightforward business marketing experience when creating ad campaigns. Why does a Smart campaign suit your requirements?

  • It offers detailed analytics and data to determine the highest conversion rate
  • It has control limitations, including limited campaign goals, keywords, and control of budget
  • It allows Google to control the direction of the campaign and how the budget is spent
  • It reaches customers who know what they want and are ready to make a purchase

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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