Technical support fundamentals coursera quiz answers week 5

Introduction to Software

1. The type of software that can be used for free and is open to modify, share, and distribute is called_______.

  • Open source
  • Coding
  • Programming
  • Commercial software


2. As an IT support specialist, you are required to do which of the following?

  • Check the license agreement of any software before installing.
  • Use binary code to communicate with computers.
  • Install all the software requested by the users.
  • Ensure that your company uses abstraction.


3. What type of software is used to keep the core system running?

  • Web browser
  • Application software
  • System software
  • Software versions


4. Why is basic knowledge of scripting an important tool for IT professionals to have?

  • Initiating Updates
  • Automating basic functions
  • Python Scripting
  • Programming

5. _______ is/are a key component to programming, and helped to pave the road that led us to today's modern computing.

  • Interpreters
  • Scrip
  • Binary
  • Compilers


6. What command would you use in Ubuntu Linux to get permission to install software?

  • Sudo
  • Apt
  • Install
  • Git

7. What command would you use in Ubuntu Linux to install a software package?

  • Run
  • Application
  • B: Execute
  • Apt


8. What file extension does Windows use for executable files?

  • .txt
  • .wav
  • .exe
  • .com


9. What is GITโ€™s function?

  • Helps keep track of changes made to directories and files
  • Helps computer processes work automatically
  • Contains new features and critical security updates
  • Allows the computer to interact with hardware


10. What is the name of the command button in Windows you click to remove programs?

  • Sudo
  • Delete
  • Uninstall
  • Drop

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Himanshu Mistry

    4. Why is basic knowledge of scripting an important tool for IT professionals to have?
    ANS. Automating basic functions

    1. Thanks for the comment.

      Yes, right answers is โ€“ Automating basic functions

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