11. Which of the following PowerShell commands will tell you which process on your system is using the most CPU resources?
- Get-Process | Sort CPU -descending | Select -first 1 -Property ID,ProcessName,CPU
- Get-Process | Sort RAM -descending | Select -first 1 -Property ID,ProcessName,CPU
- cpu_usage.exe | top -1
12. If you have a slow computer, what are some possible culprits that could be causing this? Select all that apply.
- High CPU usage
- Lots of I/O activity
- High RAM usage
- Too many processes running
13. In a Linux machine, what command can you use to safely terminate a process with a PID of 342?
- kill 342
- kill -KILL 342
- kill -TSTP 342
- kill -CONT 342
14. In a Linux machine, what command can you use to absolutely kill a process with a PID of 342?
- kill 342
- kill -KILL 342
- kill -TSTP 342
- kill -CONT 342
15. In a Linux machine, what command can you use to suspend a process with a PID of 342?
- kill 342
- kill -KILL 342
- kill -TSTP 342
- kill -CONT 342