crash course on python week 3 quiz answers – Shuffle Q/A 2

40. What is the initial value of the “outer_loop” variable on the first iteration of the nested "inner_loop"? Your answer should be only one number.

for outer_loop in range(2, 6+1):
for inner_loop in range(outer_loop):
if inner_loop % 2 == 0:

41. What number is printed at the end of this code?

num1 = 0
num2 = 0

for x in range(5):
num1 = x
for y in range(14):
num2 = y + 3

print(num1 + num2)


42. The following code causes an infinite loop. Can you figure out what’s missing and how to fix it?

def count_numbers(first, last):
# Loop through the numbers from first to last
x = first
while x <= last:

count_numbers(2, 6)
# Should print:
# 2
# 3
# 4
# 5
# 6

  • Missing the break keyword
  • Wrong comparison operator is used
  • Missing an if-else block
  • Variable x is not incremented

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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