Week 2 – All about analytical thinking – Shuffle Q/A 4

41. Fill in the blank: Correlation is the observation that there is a _____ between two or more pieces of data.

  • visualization
  • competition
  • choice
  • relationship

42. An airport wants to make its luggage-handling process faster and simpler for travelers. A data analyst examines and evaluates how the process works currently in order to achieve the goal of a more efficient process. What methodology do they use?

  • Strategy
  • Gap analysis
  • Data visualization
  • The five whys

43. Fill in the blank: A data analyst with a technical mindset would break things down into smaller steps or pieces and work with them in an orderly and ______ way.

  • curious
  • clever
  • creative
  • logical

44. As a recently promoted data scientist one of your responsibilities is the implementation of data strategy. What would this responsibility include?

  • Identifying a relationship between two or more pieces of data
  • Evaluating how a process works currently in order to get where you want to be in the future
  • Breaking things down into smaller steps or pieces and working with them in an orderly and logical way
  • Managing the people, processes, and tools involved

45. Fill in the blank: Being able to identify a relationship between two or more pieces of data describes _____.

  • correlation
  • detail-oriented thinking
  • problem-orientation
  • visualization

46. Fill in the blank: _______ is a method examining and evaluating how a process works currently in order to get where you want to be in the future.

  • The five whys
  • Strategy
  • Gap analysis
  • Data visualization

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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