Filesystems – Shuffle Q/A 1

22. When managing memory, where does the operating system keep the most commonly accessed data pages?

  • In RAM
  • In the cloud
  • In a special hidden file on the root partition of a volume called page file dot sys
  • On the hard drive

23. In Linux, what happens when you enter the command sudo swapon /dev/sdb1?

  • You create a new disk partition.
  • You mount a swap partition.
  • You format a disk partition for swap space.
  • You enable swap on the selected device.

24. What is the identifier that indexes a file’s entry in the MFT?

  • The volume
  • The filename
  • The creation timestamp
  • The file record number

25. What is the Linux equivalent to Window’s Master File Table (MFT)?

  • ipod table
  • ipath table
  • ilink table
  • inode table

26. Which of the following commands will run the check disk utility and fix any problems it finds?

  • chkfix
  • chkdsk /F
  • fsck
  • chkdsk

27. Some versions of Linux will automatically run fsck on your computer to check for issues and attempt to auto-repair the file system. In these cases, when will your system automatically run fsck?

  • Any time you boot your computer.
  • Only when you update your Linux kernel.
  • Only when the operating system sets a bit in a metadata file that indicates there’s corruption.
  • At whatever time you schedule your system to run fsck.

28. How many GPT partitions can you have on a disk?

  • As many as you want
  • Four
  • Sixteen
  • Five

29. The Windows Disk Management Utility provides which of the following? Select all that apply.

  • A utility to make modifications to the disk and partitions on a computer
  • Information about the free and total capacity of disks and partitions on a computer
  • Information about a computer’s disks and disk partitions, as well as their file systems
  • A command line interface

30. How does a shortcut link to another file?

  • By referencing a copy of the other file
  • By referencing the other file’s reference number
  • By referencing the other file’s location on the hard drive
  • By referencing the other file’s name

31. How does a Linux hardlink link to another file?

  • By referencing the other file’s name
  • By referencing the other file’s physical location on the hard drive
  • By referencing the other file’s inode
  • By referencing a copy of the other file

Shuffle Q/A 2

32. Which of the following are common risks for file corruption?

  • Sudden computer shut offs
  • System failures
  • Software bugs
  • Hitting the eject button in the OS

33. In Linux, what information will be displayed about a computer’s disks when the sudo parted -l command is executed in the CLI? Select all that apply.

  • The partition table types for each disk
  • The number of partitions on each of the computer’s disks
  • The security permissions for each partition
  • The sizes of the disk partitions

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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