Project Management Terminology: 3

A formal proposal to modify project scope, schedule, or budget.

Example: Submitting a change request to extend the project timeline due to unforeseen circumstances.

A document that summarizes the project’s achievements, challenges, and lessons learned, and provides recommendations for future projects.

Example: Compiling a project closure report that highlights the successful completion of deliverables and outlines areas for improvement.

The process of optimizing resource allocation to avoid overloading or underutilization of resources.

Example: Adjusting project schedules to ensure that team members are not assigned to multiple tasks simultaneously.

The initial meeting held at the beginning of a project to introduce team members, discuss project objectives, and set expectations.

Example: Conducting a kickoff meeting with stakeholders and the project team to align everyone on project goals and roles.

A visual representation of key project metrics, providing a snapshot of project status and progress.

Example: Using a project dashboard to display project budget, schedule, and milestones in real-time.

A meeting held at the end of a project to discuss project outcomes, successes, challenges, and identify areas for improvement.

Example: Conducting a lessons learned meeting with the project team to gather feedback and insights.

The smallest unit of work within a project that can be assigned to a team member and tracked.

Example: Defining work packages for specific tasks like coding a specific module in a software development project.

Factors or events considered to be true or certain for the purposes of planning.

Example: Assuming that the required raw materials will be available on time for a manufacturing project.

The relationship between project tasks where the completion of one task is dependent on the completion of another task.

Example: Task B cannot start until Task A is completed.

The amount of time a task can be delayed without delaying the project’s overall timeline.

Example: Task C has two days of float, which means it can be delayed by up to two days without affecting subsequent tasks.

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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