Week 2 – Creating data visualizations with Tableau – Shuffle Q/A 3

31. Fill in the blank: A data analyst is working with the World Happiness data in Tableau. They use the _____ tool on the Marks shelf to display the population of each country on the map.

  • size
  • detail
  • label
  • tooltip

32. What tool could you use in Tableau to show only those countries with a World Happiness score of 4.0 or less?

  • Attribute
  • Format
  • Filter
  • Dimension

33. Fill in the blank: In Tableau, a(n) _____ visualization is one in which the audience can change what data they see.

  • static
  • interactive
  • combo
  • indefinable

34. Fill in the blank: You are creating a visualization with the World Happiness data from Tableau. With the Label tool, you can display the _____ of a specific attribute for each country on the visualization

  • color
  • location
  • truth
  • value

35. A data analyst creates a visualization in Tableau showing their company’s quarterly sales data. They color all the items that have made a profit green and those in which they have a loss red. In addition, they intensify the color based on the magnitude of the profit or loss. What tool are they using?

  • Diverging palette
  • Value overlay
  • Conditional formatting
  • Color attribute

36. Fill in the blank: In Tableau, the _____ tool can be used to select data points.

  • lasso
  • pan
  • radial
  • rectangular

37. Fill in the blank: A data analyst uses the _____ tool to show only those countries with a World Happiness score of 5.0 or greater.

  • dimension
  • filter
  • format
  • attribute

38. What does the eye icon do in Tableau public?

  • It saves your visualization.
  • It generates a new copy of your visualization.
  • It hides your visualization from other users.
  • It allows you to view Tableau’s options.

39. What is the primary purpose of using a diverging palette in your Tableau visualizations? Select two answers.

  • It makes it easy to identify the range of each data point.
  • The style of the visualization may look more appealing to the audience.
  • The relative magnitudes of the data values can be readily seen.
  • It reduces the contrast helping those with visual impairments.

40. A data analyst uses the Color tool in Tableau to apply a range of different colors to their visualizations. This range is known as what?

  • Pan
  • Lasso
  • Contrast
  • Shading

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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