Week 3 – Crafting data stories – Shuffle Q/A 3

31. You are working on a huge dataset and visualizing your data with Tableau. As a next step, you want to focus on only the data that is most important. Which Tableau tool can you use to limit the data displayed on the dashboard?

  • Pre-filtering
  • Pre-building
  • Pre-sorting
  • Pre-sizing

32. Fill in the blank: An effective slideshow guides your audience through your main communication points, but it does not repeat every word you say. A best practice is to keep text to fewer than five lines and _____ words per slide.

  • 50
  • 5
  • 100 
  • 25

33. A data analyst embeds their visualizations in their slideshow. These visualizations are based on data contained in external spreadsheets. Why might the analyst do this rather than copy and pasting the visualization?

  • Subsequent changes made to the spreadsheet data will automatically be reflected in the slideshow.
  • The visualizations will remain with the spreadsheet file instead of the presentation.
  • Subsequent changes made to the spreadsheet data will not affect the visualization.
  • The visualizations can be edited directly in the slideshow.

34. You are working on a data visualization in Tableau. Which tool can you use to highlight individual points, limit the number of columns or rows in the view, and provide data to different users based on their particular needs?

  • Filters
  • Labels
  • Functions
  • Commands

35. You are preparing to communicate to an audience about an analysis project. You consider the roles that your audience members play and their stake in the project. What aspect of data storytelling does this scenario describe?

  • Takeaways
  • Engagement
  • Discussion
  • Theme

36. An analyst is communicating to an audience about an analysis project. In order to get the audience interested in the results of their work, the analyst explains how the insights from their work will affect the audience. What aspect of data storytelling does this scenario describe?

  • Theme
  • Takeaways
  • Engagement
  • Discussion

37. Which of the following are appropriate uses for filters in Tableau? Select all that apply.

  • Hiding outliers that do not support the hypothesis
  • Limiting the number of rows or columns in view
  • Providing data to different users based on their particular needs
  • Highlighting individual data points

38. A data analyst creates a dashboard in Tableau to share with stakeholders. They want to avoid having the stakeholders filter the dashboard themselves and direct them to the most important data points. What tool can they use to achieve this?

  • Pre-building
  • Pre-sorting
  • Pre-sizing
  • Pre-filtering

Shuffle Q/A 4

39. An analyst creates a presentation for stakeholders. In order to communicate effectively, they choose their language carefully. What best practices for effective communication should they consider? Select all that apply.

  • Use non-technical language only
  • Avoid slang terms and idioms
  • Address specific audience members
  • Define all abbreviations

40. Fill in the blank: An important part of dashboard design is ensuring that charts, graphs, and other visual elements are cohesive. This means that they are _____ and make good use of available space.

  • balanced
  • detailed
  • colorful
  • labeled

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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