Week 5 – Course challenge – Shuffle Q/A 3

37. Scenario 2 continued

The subject-matter experts are impressed by your analysis. The team agrees to move to the next step: data visualization. You know it’s important that stakeholders at NDS can quickly and easily understand that older people are less likely to attend important follow-up dental appointments than younger people. This will help them create an effective campaign for members.

It’s time to create your presentation to stakeholders. It will include a data visualization that demonstrates the lifetime trend of people being less likely to attend follow-up appointments as they get older.

For this, a pie chart will be most effective.

  • True
  • False

38. Scenario 1, question 1-5

You’ve just started a new job as a data analyst. You’re working for a midsized pharmacy chain with 38 stores in the American Southwest. Your supervisor shares a new data analysis project with you.

She explains that the pharmacy is considering discontinuing a bubble bath product called Splashtastic. Your supervisor wants you to analyze sales data and determine what percentage of each store’s total daily sales come from that product. Then, you’ll present your findings to leadership.

You know that it's important to follow each step of the data analysis process: ask, prepare, process, analyze, share, and act. So, you begin by defining the problem and making sure you fully understand stakeholder expectations.

One of the questions you ask is where to find the dataset you’ll be working with. Your supervisor explains that the company database has all the information you need.

Next, you continue to the prepare step. You access the database and write a query to retrieve data about Splashtastic. You notice that there are only 38 rows of data, representing the company’s 38 stores. In addition, your dataset contains five columns: Store Number, Average Daily Customers, Average Daily Splashtastic Sales (Units), Average Daily Splashtastic Sales (Dollars), and Average Total Daily Sales (All Products).

Considering the size of your dataset, you decide a spreadsheet will be the best tool for your project. You proceed by downloading the data from the database. Describe why this is the best choice.

  • Spreadsheets are most effective when working with queries.
  • Spreadsheets work well for processing and analyzing a small dataset, like the one you’re using.
  • Databases can’t be used for analysis.
  • Only spreadsheets let you download and upload data.

39. Scenario 1 continued

You’ve downloaded the data from your company database and imported it into a spreadsheet. IMPORTANT: To answer questions using this dataset for the scenario, click the link below and select the “Use Template” button before answering the questions.

Link to template:
Course Challenge - Scenario 1


If you don’t have a Google account, you can download the template directly from the attachment below.

Now, it’s time to process the data. As you know, this step involves finding and eliminating errors and inaccuracies that can get in the way of your results. While cleaning the data, you notice that information about Splashtastic is missing for Store Number 15 in Row 16. The best course of action is to delete the row with missing data from your dataset so it doesn’t get in the way of your results.

  • True
  • False

40. Scenario 1 continued

You’ve reached the share phase of the data analysis process. It involves which of the following? Select all that apply.

  • Create a data visualization to highlight the Splashtastic sales insights you’ve discovered.
  • Stop selling Splashtastic because it doesn’t represent a large percentage of total sales.
  • Prepare a slideshow about Splashtastic’s sales and practice your presentation.
  • Present your findings about Splashtastic to stakeholders.

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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