Week 1 – Introduction to attract and engage customers with digital marketing – Shuffle Q/A 3

37. Consider the following customer persona:

Someone that wants to shop at a health-conscious grocery store, but does not think they have time to cook meals after work.

What component of the customer persona is missing?

  • Demographic information
  • Goal
  • Barrier
  • Cost

38. How does the marketing funnel help your marketing strategy?

  • It points out gaps and helps you fix them.
  • It reduces your budget.
  • It increases brand awareness.
  • It automatically corrects any mistakes.

39. Which of the following best describes a customer who is in the conversion stage?

  • They don’t know anything about the product.
  • They are learning about the product.
  • They are aware that the product exists.
  • They are ready to begin the online checkout process.

40. Which of the following are considered strategies or tactics to build brand awareness? Select all that apply.

  • Display ads
  • Social media advertising
  • Free trials
  • Search engine optimization

41. Which of the following strategies motivates a potential customer to make a purchase in the conversion stage?

  • Send follow-up emails about the loyalty program
  • Advertise on social media
  • Change the purchase button from “add to cart” to “buy now”
  • Share a downloadable e-book with customers

42. Which of the following refers to the marketing funnel?

  • It shows how customers move from first learning about a business to purchasing something.
  • The consideration stage is at the top of the funnel.
  • It encourages businesses to focus on what drives sales at the bottom of the funnel.
  • Every business uses the same marketing funnel to show the customer journey.

43. Which of the following best describes a customer who is in the consideration stage?

  • They already know about the product, and they want to learn more.
  • They post positive reviews about the product online.
  • They share how great the product is with friends on social media.
  • They don’t know anything about the product.

44. As a digital marketer, you advertise with online influencers who have audiences that are not familiar with your brand. This strategy falls under which marketing funnel stage?

  • Awareness
  • Loyalty
  • Conversion
  • Consideration

45. Which of the following strategies motivates a potential customer to make a purchase in the conversion stage?

  • Add a chatbot to the website to answer questions
  • Share a downloadable e-book with customers
  • Comment and tag customers on social media
  • Rewrite the homepage of the website

46. What do demographics refer to?

  • Barriers that prevent the customer from achieving their goal
  • Goals a customer wants to achieve
  • Customer information such as age and occupation
  • Surveys sent to customers

47. What is the difference between strategies and tactics?

  • Tactics support the plan to achieve the marketing goal, and strategies are the action taken to make the plan happen.
  • Tactics are general ideas, and strategies are specific ideas.
  • Strategies are the steps to reach a goal, and tactics are an action plan.
  • Strategies support the plan to achieve a marketing goal, and tactics are the action taken to make the plan happen.

48. A marketer plans to build interest in a new product. Which strategy will help them during the consideration stage?

  • Ask customers to leave a positive review on social media
  • Offer a money-back guarantee or free trial
  • Create a rewards program and email customers about it
  • Host a webinar to educate customers and promote the product

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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