Week 1 – Introduction to from likes to leads: interact with customers online – Shuffle Q/A 2

25. A marketer identifies topics their target audience is searching for to help capture their attention. What stage of the marketing funnel are they targeting?

  • The consideration stage
  • The loyalty stage
  • The conversion stage
  • The awareness stage

26. A marketer aims to tailor their marketing strategy to a specific audience. How might social media help them achieve this goal?

  • It directs an audience to a business’s website to increase purchases.
  • It offers valuable insights about a business’s competitors.
  • It offers valuable insights about an audience’s likes, dislikes, and interests.
  • It allows businesses to share product features and updates with audiences.

27. Why would a business research what its competitors are doing on social media?

  • To educate customers on the products they should not purchase from its competitors
  • To narrow their audience to the exact customer they want to target
  • To identify competitors’ strengths and weaknesses and adapt their own strategy
  • To reach competitors’ customers based on their interests and hobbies

28. After you develop your social media strategy, what is the next core social media marketing pillar?

  • Listening and engagement
  • Planning and publishing
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Paid social media

29. A digital marketer tracks and analyzes conversations to learn what people think of a brand. What core pillar of social media marketing does this describe?

  • Listening and engagement
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Strategy
  • Paid social media

30. Consider the following scenario:

A company is setting up different reports to monitor a variety of metrics, such as followers, comments, or clicks. They plan to use these metrics to improve the performance of their social media marketing campaigns over time.

Which core pillar is this company working on?

  • Analytics and reporting
  • Listening and engagement
  • Planning and publishing
  • Strategy

31. Which of the following is true about earned, owned, and paid media?

  • User-generated content, such as videos, images, and reviews, is common in earned, owned, and paid media.
  • When used together instead of separately, each type of media does not require paid promotion.
  • Earned, owned, and paid media refer to the digital content a brand fully controls, such as its website.
  • When used together, each type of media can improve brand awareness, generate leads, and increase sales.

32. What is a benefit of paid media?

  • It allows a brand to rely on marketing generated by customers.
  • It incentivizes customers to promote a brand on social media.
  • It allows a brand to reach customers who are not actively searching for it.
  • It increases the user-generated content customers post on social media.

33. A marketer shares detailed information about a brand and compares its offerings to its competitors. What stage of the marketing funnel are they targeting?

  • The awareness stage
  • The loyalty stage
  • The consideration stage
  • The conversion stage

34. What will define the primary goals of your social media marketing campaign?

  • Planning and publishing
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Strategy
  • Sales

Shuffle Q/A 3

35. A digital marketer includes earned media in their social media marketing strategy. Where can they gain earned media from?

  • Blog sites, social media profiles, and Facebook or Instagram profiles
  • Image ads, video ads, story ads, and influencer marketing
  • Community forums, Twitter profiles, and other social media profiles
  • Customer reviews, testimonials, mentions, and comments on social media

36. What platforms can a business use to generate owned media?

  • Shares, retweets, and likes
  • Customer reviews, testimonials, and other user-generated content
  • Blog sites, community forums, and Facebook or Instagram profiles
  • Image ads, video ads, and story ads

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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