Week 1 – The importance of integrity – Shuffle Q/A 3

31. As a data analyst, you work with data about the life expectancy of sea turtles in the Coral Triangle. The dataset contains an estimated birthdate and deathdate for all tracked sea turtles. With the data you have, what questions are you able to answer?

  • What is the median age a sea turtle has lived in the Coral Triangle?
  • Where is the most prevalent location sea turtles are being hatched in the Coral Triangle?
  • What is the largest sea turtle ever recorded?
  • Is the sea turtle population increasing throughout the world?

32. A clothing manufacturer wants to learn more about why their consumers have purchased the brand’s products. How should this manufacturer conduct their survey?

  • Send the survey to a representative sample of their customers
  • Send the survey to customers who have purchased more than one product
  • Send the survey to their least frequent customers
  • Send the survey to random people who buy clothes

33. A data analyst wants to predict the production output of a factory using a dataset that covers the years 2020 to 2021. In 2022, the factory implemented major labor and facility changes. What limitation of the data means that the analyst needs to get new data?

  • The data keeps updating.
  • The data is outdated.
  • The data is geographically limited.
  • The data is from only one source.

34. In the data analysis process, how does a sample relate to a population?

  • A sample is a duplicate selection of data that is taken from the population.
  • A sample is an ideal example taken from a population.
  • A sample is a part of a population that is representative of the population.
  • A sample is an average of all the data that represents the population.

35. Fill in the blank: Data _____ refers to the accuracy, completeness, consistency, and trustworthiness of data throughout its life cycle.

  • sampling
  • integrity
  • analysis
  • replication

36. A data analyst is given a dataset for analysis. It includes data about the total population of every country in the previous 20 years. Which of the following questions can the analyst use this dataset to address? Select all that apply.

  • What was the average population of a certain country from 2015 through 2020?
  • What was the difference in population between two specific countries in 2018?
  • What was the effect of migration on the population of a certain country?
  • What was the reason for the population increase in a certain country?

37. A high school principal is estimating the total number of students that will attend an upcoming event. She assumes that the older students are unlikely to attend and decides to only survey the first-year students. What issue will the principal face when calculating her estimation?

  • The sample is too small.
  • The sample should be the older students.
  • The sample exhibits sampling randomness.
  • The sample exhibits sampling bias.

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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