Week 2 – Formatting and adjusting data – Shuffle Q/A 3

31. You are querying a database of keynote speakers to determine who has expertise in zoology. For your project, you only need the first 12 records. What clause should you add to the following SQL query?

SELECT speakers
FROM keynote_table
WHERE expertise = “zoology”

  • LIMIT,12
  • LIMIT_12
  • LIMIT 12
  • LIMIT = 12

32. A data analyst is working with a spreadsheet that has very long text strings. They use a function to count the number of characters in cell K98. What is the correct syntax of the function?

  • =LEN(“K98”)
  • =LEN(K,98)
  • =LEN(K:K98)
  • =LEN(K98)

33. You are using a spreadsheet to organize a list of upcoming home repairs. Column A contains the list of repairs, and column B notes the priority of each item on the list: High Priority or Low Priority. What spreadsheet tool can you use to create a drop-down list of priorities for each cell in column B?

  • Pop-up menus
  • Data validation
  • Find
  • Conditional formatting

34. You are querying a database of automobile sales to determine how many SUV models were available in green. For your project, you only need the first 50 records. What clause should you add to the following SQL query? SELECT SUV FROM vehicle_table WHERE color = “green”

  • LIMIT_50
  • LIMIT,50
  • LIMIT 50
  • LIMIT = 50

35. Spreadsheet cell B5 contains the text string “Fixed Price”. To return the substring “Price”, what is the correct syntax?

  • =LEFT(B5, 7)
  • =LEFT(7,B5)
  • =RIGHT(B5, 5)
  • =RIGHT(7,B5)

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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