Week 3 – Prepare for jobs in digital marketing and e-commerce – Shuffle Q/A 2

25. What tip will help when organizing your projects in a portfolio?

  • Identify mistakes you made during the project and what you would do differently
  • Include projects that best demonstrate your skills at the beginning of your portfolio
  • Include a few example images to prevent a lengthy portfolio
  • Explain how each project relates to the digital marketing or e-commerce industry

26. What interview is more in-depth and will likely feature members of the team you will be working with?

  • Exit interview
  • Follow-up interview
  • Preliminary interview
  • Screening interview

27. The third step in pre-interview research is to determine common interview questions that may be asked. What does this step involve?

  • Read the job description in detail and reach out to someone who has worked in a similar role.
  • Visit the company’s website to learn more about their values, achievements, and company culture.
  • Search for news articles and reviews related to the company, its employees, salaries, and offerings.
  • Get a family member or friend to help you practice for your interview by asking you questions.

28. During an interview, you answer a question by saying, “In three months, we were able to add over 200 new followers. Several customers said they discovered the company on the social media platform I posted on.” Which STAR method step does this dialogue represent?

  • Result
  • Situation
  • Task
  • Action

29. When delivering your elevator pitch, you say, “I have the most fun and am most passionate when I am using my creativity to make marketing materials. I also feel so fulfilled when a new customer discovers the business through our marketing.” This represents which section of the elevator pitch?

  • Introduction
  • Applicable part of background
  • Interest in the company
  • Show excitement

30. What workplace often operates independently from the business that they have been hired for, takes on many clients, and likely will not have the final decision of assignment direction?

  • Internship
  • In-house
  • Freelance
  • Agency

31. Which of the following statements regarding how to present a portfolio is true?

  • Websites typically take more time to create than slideshow presentations
  • There is one best form to present a portfolio.
  • Portfolios typically only contain paintings or photographs
  • Portfolio websites can be created using website builders like Google Sites or Wix

32. An applicant creates a resume that includes their experience, personal information, education, and training. What additional information should they add to their resume?

  • References from previous employers
  • Their social media usernames
  • Projects and supporting images
  • Skills related to the role they are applying for

33. While doing pre-interview research, a candidate creates a list of common interview questions. How should the candidate find these common interview questions?

  • By asking someone in a similar role at the company to share a detailed description of the role
  • By contacting the interviewer on LinkedIn and asking them for common questions to expect in the interview
  • By comparing information from different sources to get a general idea of the most common questions asked
  • By exploring the company’s website to learn about its values, achievements, and company culture

34. Which of the following is true when building rapport with interviewers?

  • Allow the interviewer to ask all the questions.
  • Be casual and avoid using professional language.
  • Learn about the company’s culture after the interview ends.
  • Before the interview, review the interviewer’s professional background online.

Shuffle Q/A 3

35. Which of the following is true about agencies?

  • Agencies typically work with one client over a long period.
  • Agencies commonly allow team members to choose their assignments.
  • Agencies maintain full transparency between team members and clients.
  • Agencies often work independently from the business they have been hired by.

36. An applicant submits their CV as part of the hiring process. What is included in a CV?

  • A complete history of an applicant’s academic credentials and professional experience
  • A one to two-page document that provides an applicant’s background, skills, and accomplishments
  • Supporting material, graphics, and examples of an applicant’s professional history
  • A short history of an applicant’s hobbies and interests

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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