Week 3 – Working with data in R – Shuffle Q/A 2

25. A data analyst is working with a data frame called salary_data. They want to create a new column named hourly_salary that includes data from the wages column divided by 40. What code chunk lets the analyst create the hourly_salarycolumn?

  • mutate(salary_data, hourly_salary = wages / 40)
  • mutate(salary_data, hourly_salary = wages * 40)
  • mutate(hourly_salary = wages / 40)
  • mutate(hourly_salary, salary_data = wages / 40)

26. In R, which statistical measure demonstrates how strong the relationship is between two variables?

  • Correlation
  • Maximum
  • Standard deviation
  • Average

27. A data analyst creates two different predictive models for the same dataset. They use the bias() function on both models. The first model has a bias of -40. The second model has a bias of 1. Which model is less biased?

  • The second model
  • It can’t be determined from this information
  • The first model

28. What scenarios would prevent you from being able to use a tibble?

  • You need to create column names
  • You need to store numerical data
  • You need to create row names
  • You need to change the data types of inputs

29. A data analyst is working with a data frame named salary_data. They want to create a new column named wagesthat includes data from the rate column multiplied by 40. What code chunk lets the analyst create the wages column?

  • mutate(salary_data, wages = rate * 40)
  • mutate(salary_data, wages = rate + 40)
  • mutate(wages = rate * 40)
  • mutate(salary_data, rate = wages * 40)

30. A data analyst wants to check the average difference between the actual and predicted values of a model. What single function can they use to calculate this statistic?

  • bias()
  • cor()
  • sd()
  • mean()

31. A data analyst is considering using tibbles instead of basic data frames. What are some of the limitations of tibbles? Select all that apply.

  • Tibbles can overload a console
  • Tibbles can never change the input type of the data
  • Tibbles won’t automatically change the names of variables
  • Tibbles won’t automatically change the names of variables

32. A data analyst wants a high level summary of the structure of their data frame, including the column names, the number of rows and variables, and type of data within a given column. What function should they use?

  • colnames()
  • head()
  • rename_with()
  • str()

33. You are working with the ToothGrowth dataset. You want to use the glimpse() function to get a quick summary of the dataset. Write the code chunk that will give you this summary.

How many variables does the ToothGrowth dataset contain?

  • 5
  • 4
  • 2
  • 3

34. A data analyst is working with the penguins dataset in R. What code chunk will allow them to sort the penguins data by the variable bill_length_mm?

  • arrange(penguins, bill_length_mm)
  • arrange(bill_length_mm, penguins)
  • arrange(=bill_length_mm)
  • arrange(=bill_length_mm)

Shuffle Q/A 2

35. A data analyst is working with a data frame called sales. In the data frame, a column named location represents data in the format “city, state”. The analyst wants to split the city into an individual city column and state into a new countrycolumn. What code chunk lets the analyst split the location column?

  • separate(sales, location, into=c(“country”, “city” ), sep=”, “)
  • separate(sales, location, into=c(“city”, “country”), sep=”, “)
  • untie(sales, location, into=c(“city”, “country”), sep=”, “)
  • separate(sales, location, into=c(“country”, “city” ), sep=” “)

36. A data analyst is working with the penguins data. The variable species includes three penguin species: Adelie, Chinstrap, and Gentoo. The analyst wants to create a data frame that only includes the Adelie species. The analyst receives an error message when they run the following code:

penguins %>%

filter(species <- “Adelie”)

How can the analyst change the second line of code to correct the error?

  • filter(Adelie == species)
  • filter(“Adelie”)
  • filter(“Adelie” <- species)
  • filter(species == “Adelie”)

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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