Week 4 – Developing presentations and slideshows – Shuffle Q/A 3

31. You are on a team of analysts presenting to your stakeholders. Your teammate responds to an objection about your steps of analysis by repeating the steps and then getting defensive when the stakeholders don’t seem to understand. What could they have done to respond to the objection more appropriately? Select all that apply.

  • Promise to investigate your analysis question further
  • Remind the stakeholders of your successes
  • Acknowledge that the objection is valid
  • Describe the approach you took in your analysis

32. You are getting ready to give the biggest presentation of your career. Which of the following methods might help you prepare to give the presentation? Select all that apply.

  • Write a script and repeat it in your head
  • Hold a dress rehearsal at the presentation location
  • Avoid thinking about the presentation
  • Visualize giving the presentation

33. You are presenting to your stakeholders and want to convey confidence. How should your body language reflect your composure? Select all that apply.

  • Stand up straight and be still
  • Gesture enthusiastically to illustrate each point
  • Make eye contact with audience members
  • Pace as you speak to the audience

34. As part of an internship you are giving a presentation of your work to the rest of the department. Why might you want to perform a colleague test? Select all that apply.

  • It helps you come up with highly detailed answers.
  • It can help find places your audience might get confused.
  • It can help you discover jargon to include.
  • It can help you discover jargon to include.

35. You are introducing a data visualization during your presentation and are concerned that it may overwhelm your audience. How can you allow the audience to process the information when you first introduce the visualization?

  • Wait five seconds
  • Thoroughly explain the context
  • Describe each graph quickly
  • Define each parameter

36. You are preparing to present in front of a large audience. Which of the following is a best practice for speaking to an audience?

  • Speak as quickly as possible
  • Take as few pauses as possible
  • Take long pauses between sentences
  • Speak at a relaxed pace in short sentences

37. You are running a colleague test with your coworkers. One coworker points out that your data has limitations. What can you do to prepare to explain the limitations of your data? Select all that apply.

  • Consider the context
  • Critically analyze any correlations
  • Understand the strength and weaknesses of your tools
  • Be ready with industry jargon and acronyms

38. You are presenting your theory about the correlation between recent sales increases and a current pop culture trend. When is the best time to establish your presentation’s hypothesis for the audience?

  • Before the conclusion
  • During the conclusion
  • Before the presentation
  • During the introduction

Shuffle Q/A 4

39. One of your coworkers is giving their first presentation and wants advice. What can you tell them to help ensure a successful presentation?

  • Assume the audience has a lot on their mind
  • Include as many unrelated details as possible
  • Use long sentences to sound professional
  • Assume your audience knows what you do

40. What can you do before a presentation to ensure that you can answer questions about the integrity of your data? Select all that apply.

  • Remove the appendix from your presentation
  • Delete scripts that you do not use very often.
  • Keep a log of all transformations.
  • Store clean versions of your scripts.

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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