Week 5 – Documentation and reports – Shuffle Q/A 2

21. What is the purpose of the Knit button in R Studio?

  • It combines multiple .rmd files into a single file.
  • It imports the content from a .rmd file.
  • It creates a new .rmd file.
  • It exports the .rmd file to another document type.

22. A data analyst wants to make a word in their markdown stand out by making it bold. What characters should they surround the text with to achieve the bold style?

  • Angle brackets (<>)
  • Double asterisks (**)
  • Double hashtag (##)
  • Single asterisk (*)

23. A data analyst is working in a .rmd file and comes across the text ```{r analysis}. What is the purpose of the text “analysis”?

  • It is a label for the code chunk
  • It changes the way the code gets exported
  • It runs the code in analysis mode
  • It alters the output file format of Knit

24. Why would a data analyst create a template of their .rmd file? Select all that apply.

  • To create an interactive notebook
  • To prevent other users from editing the file
  • To customize the appearance of a final report
  • To save time when creating the same kind of document

25. A data analyst wants to perform an analysis and make it easy for colleagues to understand his process and update the analysis a year from now. Which tool is best to achieve this objective?

  • Code chunks
  • R Markdown
  • PDF document
  • Word Document

26. A data analyst needs to create a shareable report in RStudio. They first want to change the default file format that gets exported by the Knit button to .pdf. What value should they use for the output field in the YAML header?

  • pdf_knit
  • pdf_document
  • document_pdf
  • knit_pdf

27. What does the ```{r} delimiter (three backticks followed by an r contained inside curly brackets) indicate in an R Markdown notebook?

  • The start of YAML metadata
  • The end of a code chunk
  • The end of YAML metadata
  • The start of a code chunk

28. A data analyst notices that their header is much smaller than they wanted it to be. What happened?

  • They have too few asterisks
  • They have too many hashtags
  • They have too few hashtags
  • They have too many asterisks

Shuffle Q/A 3

29. Fill in the blank: _____ code is code that can be inserted directly into a .rmd file.

  • Executable
  • Markdown
  • Inline
  • YAML

30. Fill in the blank: If an analyst creates the same kind of document over and over or customizes the appearance of a final report, they can use _____ to save them time.

  • a filter
  • a code chunk
  • an .rmd file
  • a template

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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