Week 5 – Documentation and reports – Shuffle Q/A 3

31. Which combination of text characters can be used to embed an image in a markdown document?

  • ![]()
  • ##
  • <>
  • *[]()

32. When you Knit a file in RStudio what part of code chunks are shown by default?

  • The delimiter
  • The output
  • The YAML
  • The code

33. A data analyst comes across in a piece of markdown text. What effect do the angle brackets (<>) have on the inner text?

  • They create a piece of inline code
  • They create a clickable link
  • They create a bullet list
  • They create bold text

34. Fill in the blank: Code added to an .rmd file is usually referred to as a code _____. This allows users to execute R code from within the .rmd file.

  • chunk
  • section
  • file
  • filter

35. You finish working with an R Markdown notebook and now you need to distribute your work. How can you export your analysis as a styled report?

  • chunk
  • section
  • file
  • filter

36. You finish working with an R Markdown notebook and now you need to distribute your work. How can you export your analysis as a styled report?

  • Use two hashtags
  • Use the Knit Button
  • Use the Contents Menu
  • Use markdown text

37. Which pieces of markdown text will produce a result that is italicized? Select all that apply.

  • *text*
  • _text_
  • * text
  • **text**

38. A data analyst includes a code chunk in their .rmd file. What does this allow other users to do? Select all that apply.

  • Copy code directly from the .rmd file
  • Execute code directly from the .rmd file
  • Undo original project code directly from the .rdm file
  • Modify code directly from the .rmd file

Shuffle Q/A 4

39. A data analyst is regularly exporting documents from a .rmd file and manually customizing the appearance of the document they give to stakeholders. What would allow them to automatically customize the appearance of the document?

  • A template
  • A YAML header
  • An inline code snippet
  • A delimiter

40. A data analyst comes across in a piece of markdown text. What effect do the angle brackets (<>) have on the inner text?

  • They create a clickable link
  • They create bold text
  • They create a piece of inline code
  • They create a bullet list

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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