Week 5 – Run your own email marketing campaign – Shuffle Q/A 2

25. A marketer creates a SMART goal for an upcoming social media campaign. Why is it important for a SMART goal to be specific?

  • It allows you to know if you’ve achieved it.
  • It allows you to track and measure the goal along the way.
  • It matches the organization’s needs and priorities.
  • It has evidence to prove whether it was successful or not.

26. As a digital marketer for an electronics brand, you are segmenting your email list to reach customers interested in new technology. You realize that this might be too broad, and would like to learn more about the audience’s psychographic characteristics.

What questions will help you determine the audience’s psychographic characteristics? Select all that apply.

  • Do you enjoy reading about technology trends?
  • How many hours a day do you spend using electronic devices?
  • Are you married or in a domestic partnership?
  • How often do you buy new electronic devices?

27. In the past month, your email list added 840 subscribers and had 47 unsubscribes. The list total is 17,191. What is the calculation for the list’s growth rate?

  • [(840 – 47) / 17,191] x 100
  • [(17,191 – 47) / 840] x 100
  • [17,191 / (840 – 47)] x 100
  • (17,191 x 100) / (840 – 47)

28. A digital marketer sends 20,500 emails to an email list as part of an email marketing campaign. The email received 1,550 ad clicks and 200 conversions. How would they calculate the email conversion rate?

  • 200 / 1,550 (conversions / ad clicks)
  • 1,550 / 20,500 (ad clicks / emails sent)
  • 20,500 / 1,550 (emails sent / ad clicks)
  • 1,550 / 200 (ad clicks / conversions)

29. A digital marketer delivers 103,000 emails for an email marketing campaign. The emails received 60,320 unique opens and 5,811 clicks. How would they calculate the click-to-open rate?

  • 5,811 / 103,000 (total clicks / emails delivered)
  • 60,320 / 5,811 (unique opens / total clicks)
  • 5,811 / 60,320 (total clicks / unique opens)
  • 103,000 / 5,811 (emails delivered / total clicks)

30. Which of the following SMART goals is time-bound?

  • Increase brand awareness and lead generation by 15% in the next year
  • Add names to subscriber list over the course of an email marketing campaign
  • Gain 1,500 followers on social media over the course of a social media campaign
  • Increase weekly app downloads by 200 downloads over three months

31. Which of the following SMART goals are measurable?

  • Gain new followers by March 20th
  • Increase revenue in six months
  • Use email marketing software for the campaign
  • Remove all list subscribers by the end of the month

32. Consider the following SMART goal:

Increase the email open rate to at least 20% by the end of quarter three by creating more engaging and informational emails.

What part of the goal is specific?

  • “informational emails”
  • “increase the email open rate”
  • “by the end of quarter three”
  • “to at least 20%”

33. As a digital marketer for a tutoring business, you are segmenting your email list to send more relevant emails to customers. Which of the following questions would help you segment by psychographic characteristics? Select all that apply.

  • How often do you help your child with homework?
  • What grade is your child in?
  • How many days a week does your child do homework?
  • How far do you live from the tutoring center?

34. As a digital marketer for an amusement park, you are segmenting your email list to reach families with young children who live in large cities. To further tailor your emails to the customer, you are interested in learning more about the audience’s demographic data.

What questions will help you determine the audience’s demographic data? Select all that apply.

  • Do you book family activities online?
  • Do you follow a vegan or gluten-free diet?
  • Are you in a middle or upper-management position at work?
  • How old are the children in your family?

Shuffle Q/A 3

35. A marketer creates an email. Why should they include a subject line?

  • To highlight the benefits instead of the features
  • To tell readers what they are offering
  • To encourage readers to make a purchase
  • To describe how the content helps the reader

36. As a digital marketer, you sent 47,922 emails to an email list as part of an email marketing campaign. The email received 3,221 ad clicks and 562 conversions. How would you calculate the email conversion rate?

  • 3,221 / 47,922 (ad clicks / emails sent)
  • 3,221 / 562 (ad clicks / conversions)
  • 47,922 / 3,221 (emails sent / ad clicks)
  • 562 / 3,221 (conversions / ad clicks)

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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