Week 5 – Run your own email marketing campaign – Shuffle Q/A 3

37. In your last email send, you delivered 2,708 emails with 898 unique opens and 269 clicks. What is the calculation for your click-to-open rate?

  • 269 / 898
  • 898 / 269
  • 269 / 2,708
  • 2,708 / 269

38. Consider the following SMART goal:

Increase the email open rate to at least 20% by the end of quarter three by creating more engaging and informational emails.

What part of the goal is time-based?

  • “by the end of quarter three”
  • “by creating more engaging and informational videos”
  • “to at least 20%”
  • “increase the email open rate”

39. What makes a SMART goal measurable?

  • It is challenging and allows positive progress or change.
  • It has evidence to prove whether it was successful or not.
  • It contains a number that you can track and measure along the way.
  • It matches the organization’s needs and priorities.

40. Consider the following SMART goal:

Increase the click-to-open rate on sales emails to at least 8% within six months through more persuasive copy and clear calls to action.

What part of the goal is specific?

  • “to at least 8%”
  • “increase the click-to-open rate”
  • “within six months”
  • “on sales emails”

41. As a digital marketer for a pet supplies business, you are segmenting your email list to send more relevant emails to customers. Which of the following questions would help you segment by demographic data for the customer’s pet? Select all that apply.

  • What pet food brand do you typically purchase?
  • How old is your pet?
  • What type of pet do you own?
  • How often do you purchase toys for your pet?

42. As a digital marketer for a popular clothing company, you are segmenting your email list to reach customers who enjoy shopping for clothing online instead of in-store. To further personalize your emails, you are interested in learning more about the audience’s behavioral data.

What questions will help you determine their audience’s behavioral data? Select all that apply.

  • Do you follow an active lifestyle?
  • Do you live in a cold or warm climate?
  • How often do you update your wardrobe?
  • Do you have a favorite clothing brand?

43. As a digital marketer, you send 250,070 emails as part of an email marketing campaign. The emails received 48,320 unique opens and 4,813 clicks. How would you calculate the click-to-open rate?

  • 4,813 / 48,320 (total clicks / unique opens)
  • 48,320 / 4,813 (unique opens / total clicks)
  • 4,813 / 250,070 (total clicks / emails delivered)
  • 250,070 / 4,813 (emails delivered / total clicks)

44. What makes a SMART goal specific?

  • It has evidence to prove whether it was successful or not.
  • It is challenging and allows positive progress or change.
  • It has a specific reason, purpose, or benefit.
  • It matches the organization’s needs and priorities.

45. As a digital marketer for an amusement park, you are segmenting your email list to reach customers interested in themed family activities. You realize that this might be too broad, and would like to learn more about the audience’s psychographic characteristics.

What questions will help you determine the audience’s psychographic characteristics? Select all that apply.

  • How old are the children in your family?
  • Do you live in a larger city or rural area?
  • How often do you take family trips?
  • What activities do you enjoy as a family?

46. As a digital marketer for a sportswear brand, you are segmenting your email list to reach couples between the ages of 25-45 who can afford to pay for monthly fitness programs.

What did you segment this list according to?

  • Psychographic characteristics
  • Behavioral data
  • Demographic data
  • Geographic factors

Shuffle Q/A 4

47. As a digital marketer for a travel booking company, you are segmenting your email list to send more relevant emails to customers. Which of the following questions would help you segment by behavioral data? Select all that apply.

  • How often do you typically purchase vacation packages?
  • Do you prefer a specific airline company?
  • Where do you live?
  • Are you vegan or gluten free?

48. A marketer creates an email to promote a new product. Why should they include a call to action?

  • To highlight the benefits instead of the features
  • To describe how the content helps the reader
  • To tell readers what they are offering
  • To encourage readers to make a purchase

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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