Week 1 – Introduction to Assess for success: Marketing analytics and measurement – Shuffle Q/A 2

25. A marketer creates a new campaign that includes both business and marketing goals. They identify key performance indicators (KPIs) as part of the media plan. What is the role of KPIs?

  • KPIs indicate whether a media plan includes all requirements for a marketing campaign
  • KPIs contain details about where and when an ad will appear across all media channels
  • KPIs are quantifiable metrics that serve as performance targets for marketing goals
  • KPIs determine the desired outcome for a business, such as improving customer service

26. A marketer uses the ad spend, cost per unit, and number of units sold to determine a campaign’s performance. What should they calculate using this information?

  • The ratio of revenue generated to the amount spent on advertising
  • The ratio of revenue generated to the amount spent on product upgrades
  • The ratio of revenue generated to the number of new customers engaged
  • The ratio of revenue generated to the number of repeat customers

27. When creating a media plan, you should consider the budget. Why is this important?

  • It measures how well the campaign will reach the targeted performance.
  • It indicates how much revenue the campaign will generate.
  • It determines how much you can spend and on which channels.
  • It identifies the marketing and business goals.

28. A marketer creates two versions of a social media ad. The traffic is equally split and randomly directed to each ad. One ad outperforms the other by receiving more clicks. The marketer uses the ad that performed better.

What test did they use?

  • Outcome test or A/C test
  • Click volume test
  • Ad quality test
  • Split or A/B test

29. A marketer uses attribution to assign credit to completed purchase transactions instead of responses that indicate they are on the way to purchase. What type of conversion does this refer to?

  • Touchpoint organization
  • Micro conversions
  • Attribution projects
  • Macro conversions

30. A marketer creates a media plan before running a new campaign. They include information such as target audience, media mix, and KPIs. Why is the media plan important?

  • It allows you to run a campaign without setting any performance marketing goals.
  • It contains requirements, such as number of clicks, that should be met when a campaign is run.
  • It helps you to calculate the ratio of revenue generated by the amount spent on advertising.
  • It is a performance metric with a measurable numeric value that tracks specific campaign goals.

31. Big data plays a role in _____, which uses historical data to predict what might happen.

  • predictive analytics
  • intuitive analytics
  • real-time analytics
  • multichannel marketing analytics

32. Fill in the blank: The cost per acquisition (CPA) metric is best described as the _____.

  • average cost paid for each conversion
  • total revenue generated by a marketing campaign
  • average cost paid for each click
  • advertising campaign’s automated bidding strategy

33. When creating a media plan, why should you clearly identify your target audience?

  • To help prevent over- or under-spending for a particular channel during a campaign
  • It documents how you will measure campaign success for each media channel.
  • To spend the limited campaign budget on the people most likely to make a purchase
  • It enables the right content decisions based on an allocated budget for any media channel.

34. Which of the following is true about key performance indicators (KPIs)? Select all that apply.

  • They are non-numeric.
  • They are used in media planning.
  • They often serve as performance targets for marketing goals.
  • They are not connected to business goals.

Shuffle Q/A 3

35. Consider the following scenario:

Imagine that you want to learn which of two direct response pages performs better based on the number of clicks. You set up a test that randomly directs half of the web traffic to one page, and half to the other. After a set time period, you tally the total clicks on each page.

What is this test called?

  • A/B test
  • Direct response test
  • Performance test
  • 50-50 test

36. A marketer creates a new campaign. They determine how many times each ad is displayed and how many responses it receives. What are these targets an example of?

  • A media mix
  • An engagement goal
  • A marketing goal
  • A performance goal

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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