Week 2 – Analyze trends for an online store – Shuffle Q/A 2

25. Which of the following are ways a company might improve their product conversion rate? Select all that apply.

  • Update the product description to include the benefits of the product, technical specifications, a size chart, and any information that is available on the product packaging
  • Add photos of products in all available colors and from multiple angles
  • Overpromise what the product can do for the customer
  • Use higher-quality photos that allow customers to zoom in for more detail

26. Which of the following information can email marketing analytics provide to help a company improve their campaigns? Select all that apply.

  • The percentage of users that open a company’s email
  • The attention a company’s brand received across all social media platforms during a reporting period
  • The percentage of email recipients who unsubscribe from the send list after opening an email
  • The percentage of email recipients who clicked on a link in an email and took a desired action, like making a purchase

27. An e-commerce store has been in business for five years. Over what period would this e-commerce store likely compare the results of their metrics?

  • Day over day
  • Month over month
  • Year over year
  • Week over week

28. Which of the following metrics tracks the average amount of money a customer spends each time they complete a purchase?

  • Qualified traffic
  • Cart abandonment rate
  • Average order value
  • Customer lifetime value

29. A digital marketer needs to determine how much it costs to gain new customers for an e-commerce store. What metric should they track?

  • Cost per cart
  • New customer value
  • Average order value
  • Cost per acquisition

30. After a marketer reviews a product page, they are interested to know if the product’s performance is average for the category and if there are any flaws in the product design. What is likely the reason the marketer is asking these questions?

  • They are introducing upselling techniques.
  • Customers have returned the product.
  • They are creating a new campaign.
  • Customers do not purchase the product.

31. A marketer uses paid advertising analytics to track a campaign's performance and improve its return on investment. What information does the marketer learn from paid advertising analytics?

  • How many people mention the business online
  • How many visitors clicked on a link that brought them to the brand’s website
  • How many people viewed the promotion online
  • How many visitors opened an email from the business

32. Which of the following describes the purpose of brand advocacy?

  • Estimate the total amount of money that a customer is expected to spend with a business over time
  • Gauge how successful a business is in its effort to reach a business or marketing goal
  • Measure the number of customers who promote a company through elements like word-of-mouth marketing
  • Indicate that a potential customer is moving toward a completed purchase transaction

33. An online store has been in business for over seven years. To measure the store’s growth and revenue, they use quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year comparisons. Why is the store able to track metrics over a longer period?

  • Due to the number of years in business, they likely have longer-lasting relationships with their customers and access to more data.
  • Due to the number of years in business, they likely skip steps in the customer journey to gain access to customer data.
  • Due to the number of years in business, they likely have a successful brand reputation and sell high-end products.
  • Due to the number of years in business, they likely ask customers for their personal information the first time they visit the store.

34. A digital marketer is interested in an e-commerce store’s performance across all sales channels over the last three months. Where will they find this information on Shopify?

  • The key data dashboard
  • Live View
  • Data View
  • The overview dashboard

Shuffle Q/A 3

35. An e-commerce marketer plans to increase the number of website visitors who purchase from an online store. Their goal is to eliminate any barriers preventing customers from making a purchase. What is this process for increasing revenue known as?

  • Website optimization
  • Conversion rate optimization
  • A/B testing
  • Cross-selling

36. Which of the following sales techniques is used to encourage customers to spend more by upgrading to a more expensive product?

  • Rewards programs
  • Cross-selling
  • Upselling
  • Cart minimums

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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