Week 4 – Social media analytics and reporting – Shuffle Q/A 3

37. Fill in the blank: Social media analytics is the process of _____.

  • soliciting, collecting, and reporting on marketing campaign feedback from company stakeholders
  • tracking, collecting, and analyzing data from social media platforms to improve an organization’s strategic business decisions
  • designing a preliminary social media strategy before launching a marketing campaign
  • measuring and monitoring how well marketing goals align with business goals

38. Imagine that a company launches a social media campaign. They monitor engagement to determine whether images, videos, or links do better on particular platforms. What benefit of social media analytics does this describe?

  • The ability to predict behavior 
  • The ability to learn from your competitors
  • The ability to learn what content drives results
  • The ability to improve your strategy

39. Fill in the blank: Social media goals determine _____.

  • which metrics you focus on and optimize
  • the goals of your business
  • which stakeholders you share data with
  • the impact of your marketing campaign

40. Imagine that a marketer tracks social media analytics across platforms to learn how their content is performing. They find that their longer posts perform much better on Facebook than on Instagram. How can they use this information?

  • They should stop sharing longer posts on Facebook and update their Instagram content strategy.
  • They should continue to publish similar content on Facebook and adjust their content strategy for Instagram.
  • They should revisit and adjust their social media marketing goals to align with their content performance. 
  • They should stop posting content on Instagram and update their Facebook content strategy.

41. A marketer uses a tool to visualize and present their social media data. They aim to make it easy to understand by justifying their strategy to colleagues and clients. What do they use to communicate this?

  • Campaign highlights
  • Social media analytics
  • Key performance indicators
  • Social media report

42. Consider the following scenario:

Imagine that a marketer is preparing a social media report. They consider who will read the report and align the report to the needs of that group. The marketer includes information that the group wants to know and adjusts the level of detailed data on specific items accordingly.

What social media reporting practice does this describe?

  • Tailoring the report to the audience
  • Delivering the report with the right frequency
  • Reporting on key performance indicators
  • Emphasizing campaign highlights

43. As a marketer, you include an evaluation and explanation of why a campaign may have received certain results. Where should you put this information in the report?

  • The analysis section
  • The conclusion
  • The introduction section
  • The summary

44. A marketer uses analytics tools to count the total number of followers gained on each social media platform over a set period of time. What benefit of social media analytics does this describe?

  • The ability to measure your social media ROI
  • The ability to create better content 
  • The ability to learn from your competitors
  • The ability to increase your budget 

45. A marketer uses a Net Promoter Score (NPS) to measure customer loyalty. What does this metric measure?

  • How many purchases a customer will make within the first six months as a customer
  • How many people were referred to the website from social media platforms 
  • How much attention a brand receives across social media platforms over a certain period
  • How likely customers are to recommend a product to a friend on a scale of 1 to 10

46. As a marketer, you include an evaluation and explanation of why a campaign may have received certain results. Where should you put this information in the report?

  • The summary
  • The analysis section
  • The introduction section
  • The conclusion 

Shuffle Q/A 4

47. When you deliver a social media report presentation, you should remember to connect with your audience. What does this mean?

  • Briefly pause between each slide and speak in slow, easy-to-understand sentences
  • Share your excitement, and include a surprising statistic or favorable customer review 
  • Adjust the discussion according to what is most important to the audience
  • Be prepared to share only important points should an unexpected event occur 

48. A marketer gathers qualitative and quantitative data for a new campaign. What is the difference between the two?

  • Qualitative data is collected after launching a social media campaign. Quantitative data is collected before launching a social media campaign.
  • Qualitative data describes qualities or characteristics. Quantitative data can be counted or compared on a numeric scale.
  • Quantitative data is collected after launching a social media campaign. Qualitative data is collected before launching a social media campaign.
  • Quantitative data describes qualities or characteristics. Qualitative data can be counted or compared on a numeric scale.

Devendra Kumar

Project Management Apprentice at Google

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